Hypothetical Tornadoes Wiki

Disclaimer: The content on this wiki is fictional and is NOT a resource for real tornadoes. NONE of the content on this wiki should be believed to be a real forecast of inclement weather.


Hypothetical Tornadoes Wiki

The 2036 Upper Midwest Tornado Sequence began during in early morning hours with the the most devastating tornado sequence in human history. The sequence spawned nearly 120 tornadoes across the northern Midwestern states, and was responsible for nearly 100-thousand fatalities and more than 2-million injuries. Several-dozen cities were literally blown off the face of the planet. The cities that were the hardest-hit by this massive tornadic event include (but aren't limited to) Albert Lea, Sioux Falls, Des Moines, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Mankato, and Albertapolis.

The second, and longest-lasting tornado in the sequence, is the Albertapolis Freeway Tornado, which broke numerous world records in terms of duration, speed, and destructive capacity. At one point in its life the tornado grew to a record-decimating 6 miles wide, and was traveling at freeway-like speeds the whole time.
